Download Escape Maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition MCPE Free for PC on Windows and Mac APK 1.0 - Entertainment App for Android - Free Android Applications

This map is based on a real life story taking place in the year of 1976 in South Africa. As a part of a freedom fighting group the regime has decided to label you as a terrorist and put you in prison. 200 command blocks have been used to build this adventure and it’s expected to last somewhere around 15-20 minutes. The features include a fully working key mechanism, a door locking system and plenty of other neat features.
South Africa, Year 1976: You were once part of a freedom fighting group but the regime’s authorities convicted you as a terrorist and put you in prison for life. As soon as you arrive to the prison you realize that you have to find a way out. Can you find a way out and escape the prison?

from Download APK by dappsforpc in June 12, 2017 at 09:07PM
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