Here's which smart assistant our forum users are siding with.
This holiday season, there's a good chance you'll be picking up a smart speaker for someone on your shopping list. Amazon's Echo and Google's Home line of gadgets are currently the top dogs in this field, with each company having an all-star lineup of different speakers to choose from.
Although Echos and Homes serve the same general purpose, there's a distinct difference in how they operate due to Alexa powering Echos and Google Assistant powering the Home speakers. Our forum users recently got into a discussion about which smart home assistants they've been gravitating towards, and this is what some of them had to say.
bigbearballs12-01-2017 01:56 PM“I switched from Alexa to mini and the biggest thing I've noticed is how much more my mini knows. It gives overall better and more answers to questions. I didn't use Alexa for Bluetooth, so it wasn't a big deal to lose that. I'm trying to integrate everything into Google and it's been pretty easy. I have a home, mini, pixel 2, and now a Chromecast. I want a hub but I'm waiting since I heard Google...
Chex31312-01-2017 04:05 PM“I find the mini only useful when I am near it. When I am in any other room and I query my Pixel 2 XL the mini answers....It even makes phone calls when I do not want it to...Its made voice searches to my phone useless. It is going to be relegated to the garage. It is useless for me until it can allow my phone to answer. I much prefer my dots and echos. If I need a smart search I prefer my...
Almeuit12-01-2017 04:18 PM“I tried Alexa for awhile .. I couldn't stand it. I returned it and exclusively have been using Google Home for awhile now (way before the mini). I just didn't like simple tasks such as "What is the traffic like to (X)?" not working with Alexa. How is it a smart assistant if it can't answer a basic thing? So far I have 2 mini / 1 home. I am pretty tied into Google. I also have Google WiFi,...
bhatech12-01-2017 04:19 PM“Personally I'm not that impressed with Alexa, I like and prefer the Google Assistant which works much better for me. I'm all in on Google Assistant in turn Google home. I do also have an echo dot, costs so less so why not. I just use it when I'm forced to use like in case of some Amazon deals via Alexa etc.
Now, we'd like to pass the question on to you – Are you team Google Home or Amazon Echo?
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