Free Download Apple Heart Study - Apple For Iphone

Apple - Apple Heart Study artwork Apple Heart Study
Genre: Health & Fitness
Release Date: November 30, 2017

The Apple Heart Study app is an innovative research study that uses data from Apple Watch to identify irregular heart rhythms, including those from potentially serious heart conditions such as atrial fibrillation (AFib). This study is being conducted in collaboration with Stanford Medicine to accelerate discovery in heart science.

- AFib is one of the most common forms of irregular heart rhythm. It can lead to blood clots or heart failure and is a leading cause of stroke. AFib affects tens of millions of people — but many of those people don’t experience symptoms, so it often goes undiagnosed.

- The Apple Heart Study uses an app designed to notify participants if an irregular heart rhythm is observed.

- The app will passively monitor your heart rate along with your heart rhythm. If an irregular heart rhythm is observed, the app will notify you.

- After the notification, you’ll receive a free video consultation on your iPhone with the study’s medical professionals for further analysis.

- The video consultation connects you with a board-certified, licensed primary care provider from American Well* - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

- In some cases, the doctor may recommend a BioTelemetry electrocardiogram (ECG) patch for additional monitoring. The patch will be mailed to you at no cost and should be worn for seven days. The ECG data gathered over this period will be used to determine whether AFib or another type of irregular heart rhythm is present.

- Participation in the Apple Heart Study is voluntary. After you download the app, you’ll be asked to give your consent for participation. The heart rate sensor data you provide over time will be collected by Stanford Medicine and Apple for research analysis. Apple will not have access to any information that can directly identify you.


- Requires Apple Watch Series 1 (Fall 2016 model) or later with watchOS 4 and later. The Apple Heart Study does not support the original Apple Watch.
- iPhone 5s or later with iOS 11 or later
- You must be a U.S. resident, 22 years or older, and meet other study eligibility criteria as described in the Apple Heart Study app
- You must provide your consent to participate in the study

*Doctors provided by American Well’s clinical partner, Online Care Group.

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