Oculus Quest is Facebook's last piece of hardware in its first generation of VR devices. It has six degrees of freedom, movement tracking so you can game throughout an area and two Touch Controllers, which facilitate a wide range of gameplay. The Oculus Quest now has over 100 games available, ranging from first-person shooters to musical saber swinging. The most recent titles are marked with "new," and at the top of the list, so you can keep track of all the latest games.
Sunny zombies
Arizona Sunshine
Arizona Sunshine is a VR classic, and I'm thrilled that it's coming to the Oculus Quest. If you've never played, it's a high action, high scare zombie shooter but based in the beautiful Arizona landscape.
Vertigo inducing
The Climb
The Climb is already a fan favorite with Rift users, and it will only benefit from the wireless freedom of the Oculus Quest. Having the freedom to move around more should make the game more enjoyable and scarier if, like many, you are afraid of heights.
Metal on metal
Death Lap
What's better than a racing game in VR? How about a racing game in VR that lets you shoot your opponents with Gatling guns and machine guns? You also have to avoid giant tacks and obstacles in this thrilling racer.
Stealth action
Espire 1: VR Operative
Stealth games should be everywhere on VR systems, but they aren't. Espire 1 hopes to fill the void with an action FPS game featuring a lot of stealth options. You can even sneak up behind people and say FREEZE to stop them in their tracks!
Bending reality
A Fisherman's Tale
In this game, you play as a fisherman's puppet, solving puzzles, climbing lighthouses, and uncovering the truth about a fisherman's tall tale.
Feel the magic
Waltz of the Wizard: Extended Edition
You can brew cauldrons, cast spells, swing sabers, and collect trophies in this fantasy game. In it, you're accompanied by an ancient spirit that's trapped inside a human skull.
Available now
Nonstop fun
Beat Saber
Staff pick
Beat Saber is one of the most popular VR games across many platforms. In it, you use both controllers and motion tracking to swipe at blocks that are synced to music. None of those words do the game justice, and having it available at launch is a massive deal for the Quest.
Use the force
Vader Immortal: Episode II
Editor's Choice
This sequel takes you even further into the world of Darth Vader. In it, you learn to master the Force from the Sith Lord himself, learning how to throw people and objects. It has a story mode and upgraded dojo that lets you swing your lightsaber and destroy enemies.
Matrix VR
Superhot VR
Must Have Title
Superhot VR is one of the games I compare all VR games against. The unique visual style and gameplay make it the perfect VR game, and I cannot wait to use it in the Oculus Quest, free from tethers.
This comedic game is about just about anything other than accounting in an office. It takes you to a series of virtual worlds where you go on a humorous adventure.
Nutty gameplay
Acron is an impressive looking game that uses both VR and mobile phones to create the gameplay. You are a tree in the VR version, defending your nuts, while mobile players act as squirrels trying to take them.
Blowing up pigs
Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs
This game takes the familiar birds you know from the franchise and puts them into 3D. Just like in the popular mobile game, you can solve puzzles in over 50 levels by slinging birds at pigs.
Bow vs bot
Apex Construct
In this post-apocalyptic world, you use a bow, arrow, and shield to battle robots. It's a single-player game that mixes solving puzzles with a story in which you're the last human on the planet.
Gone fishin'
Relax as you catch a variety of fish to help a local aquarium fill their tanks. Four different lakes are all home to unique fish.
Cute castle defense
In this first-person VR title, you're aided by magical items and creatures. You can collect magical creatures to hurl at opponents to defeat them.
Virtual pet
This is a simple game that allows you to interact with and take care of a virtual pet. It features a scalable play area to take advantage of the space you have in the real world.
VR fitness
This VR game will help you get into shape through boxing at blocks. It includes content from several trainers to help you burn calories without getting bored. You can also track your progress, workout to music, and create your own playlists.
Into the mines
Cave Digger: Riches
You can explore the pioneer front, dig your way to gems, and use explosives to find treasure in this mining game. You can upgrade your vehicle and items to help you find more treasures on the frontier.
Epic golf
Cloudlands 2
This game mixes mini-golf and full-size golf into one game. There's a 54-hole single-player campaign and support for online multiplayer. You can also create and play on custom levels.
Boxing legacy
Creed: Rise to Glory
Boxing as Adonis Creed, this game puts you toe-to-toe with your opponents. You can throw punches, dodge strikes, and knock out your opponents in career, multiplayer, online PvP, and Freeplay game modes.
Solving mysteries
The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets
This is a charming interactive story from a smaller team of developers. In it, you help your grandfather solve a mystery by exploring a miniature world.
I feel like dancing!
Dance Central
VR is the natural evolution for the Dance Central games. After all, they were some of the first motion control games, so it makes sense for them to go to full-body motion too. The music they have in the game sounds excellent, but boy-o, am I going to do poorly at this one.
Western styles
Dead and Buried II
Billed as a VR paintball game, Dead and Buried II improves on the original and looks to be an excellent game for the Quest. It could be one of the arena games as well, so watch out for that.
Zombie mayhem
Death Horizon: Reloaded
Shoot and blast your way through a research center infested by zombies in this thrilling title. You can choose from a wide range of weapons to use to spray bullets at the zombie hordes.
Hack and slash
Drop Dead: Dual Strike Edition
Team up with friends or play solo as you battle zombie hordes with axes, bats, and a variety of melee weapons. You can slash a zombies arm off or hit it off with a baseball bat.
Brawl and bash
Drunkn Bar Fight
Whether you liked the bar fight in Kingsmen or just want to smash a gumball machine over someone's head, this VR game is for you. You can grab a whole slew of items and beat up rowdy drunks.
Digital DJ
In Electronauts you can create music as a VR DJ. There are over forty songs from more than fifty artists from EDM, hip hop, trap, and many other genres for you to play with.
Magical mission
Elven Assassin
You can slay hordes of orcs and dragons with a bow and arrow in this game as the titular Elven Assassin.
Advanced space combat
End Space
In this space combat game, you glide through space, firing a wide range of lasers and missiles at your enemies.
Thrill ride
Epic Roller Coasters
Race your friends or ride alone on roller coasters to feel a thrill. You can race or play in shooting mode, which adds targets to hit during your ride.
Face your demons
The Exorcist: Legion VR
You can face demons in this immersive horror title. In the game, you learn demonic exorcism throughout multiple chapters and can replay levels to uncover hidden details.
Why? Why would you do this?
Face your Fears 2
Also known to me as the NOPE game, Face your Fears 2 by Turtle Rock Games is the stuff of nightmares. The game is designed to show you common phobias that people have and ramp up that experience to insane levels.
Getting to know VR
First Steps
This mini-game allows you to familiarize yourself with the Oculus Quest. In it, you can fling paper airplanes, shoot at targets, grab blocks, and get to know the device's controls.
Slice and dice
Fruit Ninja
The popular fruit-slicing mobile game, where you use katanas to slice at the fruit that's flung at you, comes to VR. You can play in classic, arcade, zen, and survival mode.
Beautiful puzzler
Fujii is one of those ethereal games that is almost as much fun to look at as it is to play. When you play as characters that are a spirit in nature, it can sometimes feel very soothing. This will be a beautiful game to relax to, I think.
Physics puzzler
This puzzle game has you solve 60 puzzles in an infitinate number of ways thank to its unique gameplay. You can use a variety of controls and toolsl to come up with ways to solve puzzles and test out your solutions.
VR art
Gravity Sketch
Gravity Sketch places you in a blank 3-D canvas in which you can use the Oculus Quest's Touch Controllers to create 3-D art. You can export created work directly into CAD software, a game engine, or a 3-D print platform.
Shoot'em up
Gun Club VR
This game puts you in shooting galleries, firing ranges, and several other environments. You can collect a broad range of guns and customize your firearm's scopes, stocks, and more.
Connecting with friends
Half + Half
This game is all about connecting with your friends. You can play with friends in five multiplayer spaces, including space, the sky, and underwater. You can also play human Tetris with your friends or just goof around and let loose.
Explosive puzzles
I Expect You to Die
This game puts you into several crazy and dangerous situations. You need to solve each puzzle using your whit and your character's resources and telekinesis. You'll have to do everything from stopping dynamite to beating fires to stay alive.
Wierd and wacky
Job Simulator
We all know Job simulator, right? It's weird, it's funny, it's weird again. It doesn't precisely simulate a job. Instead, you can throw staplers, smash objects, chug coffee, and more.
Journey of the Gods
Journey of the Gods looks pretty epic. Vast sweeping vistas, a cartoony graphics style, and a mix of combat experiences make this a game to look out for. Plus, you get to go full-on GODMODE, so that should be fun.
Taggin' walls
Kingspray Graffiti
In this title you can create street art using spraypaint, drips, metallics, and other mediums. You can use wet/dry effects to mark up cars, walls, and more.
Knockout League
This single-player boxing game pits you against a library of opponents. You can dodge blows, strike your opponents with combos, and train your boxing skills.
Clever multiplayer
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Solving puzzles is a lot of fun. Solving puzzles in VR is even more fun. Solving puzzles in VR with an exploding puzzle is the best.
Escape room
Last Labyrinth
In this game you need to escape from a mansion by solving puzzles and overcoming challenges while working with a myterious girl.
The cutest game ever
Moss by Polyarc is one of my favorite games to play in Windows Mixed Reality and Rift, so I am excited to see it coming to the Oculus Quest. Leading Quil, the mouse protagonist, around the beautiful world, will be a complete joy with the freedom from cables that the Quest promises.
Katana combat
Ninja Legends
This game has you use dual katanas, a bow and arrow, ninja claws, and more to battle hordes of ninja enemies. You can also use special ninja powers like shadow step to defeat your foes.
Under control
Oculus First Contact
This is another basic setup to help you get acquainted with VR and the Oculus Quest. In it, you interact with a robot, toss items around, and play with toys inside a virtual space.
Versatile combat
Orbus VR Reborn
This game has some excellent looking game mechanics. The Bow, sword, and fishing rely on you getting better at the physicality of it. Hopefully, it doesn't depend on it too much, because I'm old and I suck at physical things. I'm still willing to try, though.
Arcade fun
Pinball FX2 VR
This digital pinball game has the atmosphere of the pinball machine you use within VR extend to the rest of the experience. That means sharks, cowboys, and other aspects of the game wander the arcade that you play in.
Shoot to the music
Pistol Whip
This rhythmic shooter brings the action to you. You shoot, dodge, dance, and defeat enemies to the rhytm of music to feel like you're in an action movie.
Scary room
Please, Don't Touch Anything
This game traps you inside the room in which you can solve 30 puzzles. You can push buttons, hunt for clues, and get creeped out by a monitor in this puzzle game.
Playing poker
Poker VR
This VR poker game lets you play in gigantic tournaments and immerse yourself by letting you play with your chips and cards. You can join your friends using the game's Smart friends' system.
I'll raise you
PokerStars VR
VR seems to be the perfect place for poker tournaments, and from what we have seen, PokerStars VR is a brilliant program for doing just that! You play for keeps, though. Consider yourselves warned, people!
VR puppetry
Puppet Fever
With hundreds of puppets and props, this simple game is a great way to entertain kids in VR. It also has a companion app on iOS, Android, and PC.
Ping pong
Racket Fury: Table Tennis
This VR version of table tennis supports multiplayer, single-player, and arcade modes. The developers focus on realism and the game's physics engine to deliver a crisp and motion-realistic experience.
Racket mashup
Racket: NX
Rather than playing racketball in a rectangle, Racket: NX places you inside a glass dome where the ball can bounce off of every surface. You can use your racket and its tractor beam to control the ball and destroy targets in single or multiplayer modes. The game has a teaser video, stating that it's coming to the Quest.
Helping islanders
Raccoon Lagoon
In this game, you help sailors who have been marooned on the shore of your island. There are eight climates on the island, and in them, you can cook, fish, farm, mine, paint, and more. Raccoon Lagoon doesn't have a release date listed but is in the Coming Soon section of the Oculus Store for the Quest.
Realistic fake fishing
Real VR Fishing
This VR fishing game focuses on realism. It has a 72 Hz Mode and "photorealistic environmental 3D graphics."
Many ways to play
Rec Room
If you own a VR headset and you don't know Rec Room, you should change that. Rec Room is one of the most well rounded VR experiences I've ever had. It has a myriad of adventures to go on, including a full-size Battle Royale paintball game, a pirate ship adventure, and laser tag.
Striking space visuals
Red Matter
This puzzle-driven adventure title takes place during a dystopian sci-fi cold war. In it, you take a ship to one of Saturn's moons and investigate a secret research project. The game features impressive visuals and has earned rave reviews from many.
Hacking adventure
République VR
This puzzle and strategy game pits you against a totalitarian state. You can hack a surveillance network and guide a trapped woman back to safety.
Defying gravity
Richie's Plank Experience
This game starts on a thin plank 80 stories high. After walking across the plank, you can jump and soar through the city with rockets.
Ultron style death
Robo Recall: Unplugged
Robo Recall: Unplugged from Epic Games is a bullet storm game with some unique gameplay design. Using it on the Oculus Quest will bring a lot of needed freedom to the game, allowing you to spin 360 degrees to destroy killer robots en masse.
Falling with style
You can skydive in over 100 levels inside Rush. The game supports online multiplayer and single-player so that you can soar down mountainsides in races, challenges, and Time Attack mode.
Samurai combat
Sairento VR
In Sairento VR you're a cyber ninja set in a reimagined futuristic Japan. The combat system includes high jumps, slow-motion that's reminiscent of bullet time, and both sword and gun combat.
Picard Puzzles
Shadow Point
Puzzle games in VR are fantastic. You get so much space in a truly 3D world to explore, and the developers get that much space to mess with your mind. It also has Sir Patrick freaking Stuart doing the narration, and for me, that's an instant buy.
Card battling
Skyworld: Kingdom Brawl
This real-time multiplayer card game has you use dozens of cards to battle opponents. It includes over 20 battle arenas, and you can join clans to improve your battling experience.
Space Pirate Trainer
Space Pirate Trainer is a firm favorite with everyone who plays it. It's a brilliant combination of Bulletstorm and Space Invaders, and, because of the unique way the VR works, all of this is happening around you in a frenzy of neon insanity. Love it.
Classic sports
Sports Scramble
We have now confirmed the game that what was once called Project Tennis Scramble, will now be called Sports Scramble and will have tennis and bowling at launch, with baseball to follow. This reminds me of everything I liked about Wii Tennis.
Giant swords
Swords of Gargantua: Quest
This cross-platform combat game allows you to fight giant enemies with a sword and dozens of other weapons. You can work alone or play online with up to three other players.
Flow to music
Synth Riders
This game has you dance and flow to music with both your Oculus Touch Controllers. Rather than swinging blades like in some popular rhythmic games on the Quest, Synth Riders has boxes to strike and lonng notes to hold with your fists.
Stopping time
Time Stall
This game places you in a spaceship in which you need to battle robots and sort out the mayhem befalling the space cruise ship. Within the game, time is stopped so you can manipulate objects and move projectiles in bullet time.
Virtual novel
This virtual mystery novel has an estimated story of 15-20 hours. It's set in a world in which time is frozen, and people have lost their memories.
Zooming battles
This endless track game lets you play as a space beetle hurtling through high-speed levels. You can avoid obstacles, learn new moves, and defeat bosses to the game's soundtrack.
Realistic boxing
The Thrill of the Fight
This boxing game focuses on realistic action. In it, you can train in the gym or fight against opponents. In this game, you'll need to dodge, duck, and swing accurately to win in the ring.
Next level artistry
Tilt Brush by Google
What if the entire world was your canvas, and your paintbrushes could draw light and sound and emotion with the same effort as any other paint? The folks at Google have been bringing fantasy to virtual reality for years now with Tilt Brush. And for the first time, that experience will be entirely cord-free thanks to Oculus Quest.
Feel the groove
TribeXR DJ School
This DJ training game lets you import your own music and cross-play with the Rift. It has video tutorials and live classes to help you rock out.
Flying high
Fly in the sky in four unique aircraft as you earn money, pop balloons, and race your way through the air. You can buy airports and new vehicles to progress your flying career.
Vader Immortal: Episode I
Not a game, technically, but a VR story taking you through some of the adventures everyone's favorite villain experiences in the Star Wars universe. The folks at ILMxLAB have quite the story cooked up for this title, and they're very excited to share it with everyone on Oculus Quest!
Facing Vader
Vader Immortal: Episode III
In the third installment of the Vader Immortal series, you raid Vader's fortress alongside an army. You'll have to defeat Storm Troopers, officers, and Darth Vader himself to get through this episode.
VR inception
Virtual Virtual Reality
We heard you like virtual reality, so this developer put virtual reality inside of virtual reality. You can explore over 50 virtual realities and jump around between different styles of gameplay.
VR Karts: Sprint
VR Karts: Sprint is a chance to bring the feeling of Mario Kart to your Oculus Quest. It doesn't always succeed in doing so, but it is still a lot of fun whizzing around.
VR Mos Eisley
VRChat is both a good and bad thing. Good because you be anything you want to be. Bad because a lot of people want to be awful. If you can find your own niche, it should be fun.
Magic dueling
This first-person dueling game has you use a wide variety of spells against other players online. It's cross-platform and also has AI opponents that you can practice against.
Magical battling
The Wizards
You can sling fireballs and spells at your enemies in this action-adventure game. It has you solve puzzles, battle creatures, and cast spells using your Touch Controllers.
Oculus Go/Gear VR games
Oculus announced that compatible Oculus Go and Gear VR games will be playable on the Oculus Quest. The initial library of Oculus Go/Gear VR games to make the jump includes dozens of titles, and more will be added along the way.
Candy coasters
3C Wonderland Coaster
This coaster game takes you through wonderful lands filled with sweets, including chocolate rivers and candy creatures.
Fancy flying
Ace Phantom
This 360-degree flyer has you combat enemies in a OO-Phantom fighter jet.
War combat
Air Combat (WW2)
This flying game supports multiplayer modes and training that helps you hone your aerial combat skills.
Scary space
You play in this game as a cosmonaut on a ship that's on a mission. The longer you're on the ship, the more your sense of reality falters.
Simple shooting
Bathroom Shooting Games
Some people say it's important to keep your ducks in a row. This game makes it important to shoot your ducks in a row. It's a simple shooting game that you can kill time with by shooting ducks.
Top down gaming
Battle of Kings VR: Mobile
Create a strategy to defeat your opponent in this top-down combat game. You can battle against other players or AI in strategic combat.
Crazy coasters
You can ride in four coasters, including coasters that dodge around asteroids in space and a dystopian mining colony, in this VR coaster experience.
Endless running
Collect coins as you run for eternity and dodge obstacles. You move your head around to stay clear of debris and keep your body ready to run.
Playing with polygons
In this game, you soar around freely and dodge obstacles to find your targets. It features a unique polygon art style and slow-motion effects that allow you to perfect your plans.
Oneiric world
You hunt for three platforms that open gates while exploring a world inspired by a dream in this platformer. You can glide on the wind and jump off trampolines to explore the surreal world.
VR hacking
This strategy/puzzle game positions you as a hacker that uses viruses and worms to steal data on the web. Its art style is inspired by TRON, The Matrix, and other cyberpunk titles.
Disturbing story
Dead Body Falls
This story-driven game allows you to watch the story from multiple perspectives to see all the details. It follows a disturbing event at a hotel where.
Zombie virus
Death Horizon
The T12 virus has broken out in this game, leading to zombie hordes appearing everywhere. You can use a variety of guns to slay the zombies, including a machine gun without any recoil. It supports co-op multiplayer, so you can kill zombies with your friends.
Eyes up front!
Don't Look Away
This horror experience has you strapped to a chair, bound, and gagged by a mysterious entity. You have to solve the mysteries of the room before it's too late.
Scary running
Fear Incarnate
This title combines an endless runner and a cinematic horror experience. You awaken from a cryo-stasis inside a nightmarish experience full of deadly traps and corridors.
Scary coaster
Fears Nightmare Roller Coaster
This short game has two scary roller coasters that take you through scary environments. There are explosions, wired machines, and effects that enhance the frightening experience.
Flying free
This combat flying game places you inside a dangerous nebula to battle your enemies. You have to protect your interstellar base and leaders from "the defilers."
Get it?
Gamers Generations
There are 51 hidden references to games inside this VR experience. You have to find them all to show how much you know about gaming.
Finding treasure
Hidden Fortune
This game takes you on a VR treasure hunt to find a hidden fortune. In it, you can cast magic orbs and use wands to aid you on your quest.
Frightening puzzles
House of Terror
This game has you solve puzzles and search through dark environments full of traps and monsters. You have to find out what's gone wrong, but danger is all around you.
Immersive storytelling
Innocent Forest: The Bird of Light
This immersive story uses 360-degree illustrated pages to tell the story of the memories of those visiting a girl in the forest.
MetaTable Poker
This poker game allows you to rent a private table that you can invite your friends to with a PIN. You can spend your chips on dozens of objects and play in several environments.
VR pets
My Virtual Pet VR
You can take care of your virtual pet in this game. Your pet dinosaur can play fetch, eat, sleep, and play with you in VR.
Paint VR
Use your controller to create 3D art inside of VR in this painting experience.
Bang bang!
Pirate Shooter
Aim and destroy your enemies in this pirate shooting game. There are levels to unlock, a global leaderboard, and treasures to collect.
Trust your instincts
Play With Me
This freaky game has you wake up in an "empty" house where you have to trust your instincts to escape.
Home run!
Power Hitter
This game lets you swing for the fences using your controller. You can take on the 12 Zodiac teams and challenges to prove your skills at the plate.
See the pyramids
Pyramids Roller Coaster
You can see the pyramids while riding a roller coaster in this game. Take a look at the pyramids as they were in the 1920s as you barely escape from a tomb while riding the tracks.
The real deal
Rilix VR
This coaster game focuses on delivering an immersive experience to replicate real life. It has three environments to enjoy and lets you travel to unique places.
Greek coasters
RollerCoaster Legends
In this game, you ride on rollercoasters inspired by Greek myths such as the Minotaur, Kronos, Charon, and Hades.
Battle ships
Salvo Go
This game is essentially a VR version of Battleship. It allows you to seek and destroy your opponent. You can play against other users as well as your friends using the mobile app.
Get your sea legs
Sea Hero Quest
In this game, you have to navigate using gathered data to help scientists who have dementia.
Scary sisters
Sisters: A VR Ghost Story
This immersive ghost story has you interact with sisters from the other world. It has 360-degree visuals to scare you along the way.
Training time
Sky Fighter: Training Day
This game teaches you how to use your armored sky fighter to combat enemies in the sky. This game includes three free missions and additional missions that can be purchased.
Future pilot
Space Dodge2
In this game, you're a futuristic pilot on a mission. You travel through the galaxy and overcome challenges using just your piloting skills.
Virtual tabletop
In this virtual tabletop game, you command a futuristic war room to enact your strategies. You can use gunships, tanks, bombers, and other units to defeat your enemies.
Mini games
They Suspect Nothing
This collection includes 20 mini-games and five hubs and instructors. The game places you as the last human on Earth in a robot-only society.
Thrill ride
Thrill Rollercoasters
You can ride five rollercoasters in this game, each designed to get your blood flowing.
Tower defense
Toy Clash
This tower defense game allows you to build up your defenses while planning a strategic attack against your opponents. The whole game is based around toys, so it has a cute charm to it.
Music slashing
Track Slash
This game has you swing a saber through blocks set to music. It allows you to feel the groove and interact with the rhythm of songs.
Avian domination
Turkey Hunt
In a post-apocalyptic world, you have to battle turkeys that are set on world domination. The turkeys are all in riot gear, so you'll have to give it some extra effort to defeat them.
Trap setting
Underworld Overlord
In this game, you defend a dungeon with traps, spells, and monsters. You have to defend your dungeon against waves of enemies and protect the Overlord's Animus.
VR Basketball
You can shoot some hoops in this game, competing against the clock to get as many points as possible before the buzzer goes off.
Battling and racing
VR Rally
In this racing game, you try to beat your opponents on the track with skill. If pure speed and racing skills don't work, you can beat them with weapons and traps.
Single wheel
Wheel Rush
This racing game has you zip around on a single-wheeled racer on an unlimited track. You have to dodge obstacles to keep going on your monocycle.
Future titles
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time
Edge of Time is shaping up to be a fun puzzle game for Doctor Who fans. It feels like a point-and-click adventure from the '90s but with the added twist of being Doctor Who canon. It's exciting, and I can't wait to play.
Arena battles!
Echo Arena
Echo Arena is an offshoot of the fantastic Lone Echo. You get to fly around as a team of robots and play a version of Zero-G Ultimate Frisbee. It's a lot of fun if you can get over the vomit-inducing movement.
Ping pong
Eleven Table Tennis
Eleven is a table tennis game that focuses on realistic physics. The team behind the game is very active on the game's Discord channel and is focused on improving game physics and realism. There isn't a confirmed release date for the Oculus Quest, but it's in private beta testing now and should be released in 2019.
Socializing in VR
This is a simple VR game that focuses on socializing. In it, you can make friends, play sports, and have a movie theater where you and your friends can watch YouTube. The game's YouTube trailer now states that it's coming to the Oculus Quest soon.
Tactical shooting
Onward is a tactical shooter that makes players rely on wit and skill rather than gimmicks or gadgets. Players get just one life and have to battle foes in the day, night, and a variety of weather conditions and environments. The game doesn't have a release date for the Oculus Quest but has been announced in a clip on Twitter.
Bow fighting
QuiVR Vanguard
QuiVR, which allows you to shoot a bow and arrow in VR, has been around a little while now and has its own cult following. With the Quest, you get the freedom of movement that's sure to enhance your experience significantly. It's currently only available for the Go, but the game's description mentions cross-play support explicitly with the Oculus Quest, so it should arrive in the future.
Relaxing holiday
Vacation Simulator
From the same team that makes Job Simulator, this title allows you to relax in a variety of environments. You can play in the water, have snowball fights, and make ice sculptures. Owlchemy Labs states that this title will be available by holiday 2019.
Get to gaming!
The Oculus Quest has dozens of games available within a month of its launch and has plenty of titles along the way. These titles range from melee combat to shooters, to nightmare-inducing horror games. The game that will get you on your feet and be the life of any party is Beat Saber. Its easy game mechanics mean anyone can jump in and start playing right away. But its range of difficulty levels and variety of songs will keep even the most skilled veterans engaged.
If you prefer a combat shoot'em up, then you should check out Robo Recall: Unplugged. It has intuitive controls and allows you to blast robots with pistols, shotguns, and grab machines and fling them at each other. If you're on a budget, Vader Immortal: Episode II is a great VR title that only costs $10. You can wield a lightsaber, use the force, and battle bots in the training dojo or follow the story mode.
While we do our best to make sure every game available at launch arrives on this list, we don't always catch them all. We aren't Ash Ketchum. We will continue to update this as and when we can, to make sure it is as up to date as possible.
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